Tuesday 14 May 2024

How to Select the Perfect Dressage Saddle for Your Horse


In the world of equestrian sports, control, balance and discipline are key attributes that define success. One significant factor that influences these attributes is the saddle, the heart of rider-horse connection. Particularly in Dressage, where precision and grace are demanded from both horse and rider, the right saddle plays a pivotal role.

Understanding the importance of a well-fitted saddle cannot be overstressed. In simple terms, a perfectly fitted dressage saddles assures the comfort of both rider and horse, maximising performance by allowing for the perfect seat, balance and overall posture. Therefore, saddle selection is crucial, as a poorly fitted saddle can result in issues ranging from impaired performance to health problems for both rider and horse.


Understand Your Horse

Every horse is unique, each with specific body shape and characteristics. Hence, it is important to first understand your horse’s specific needs before setting off your saddle hunt. Knowing details such as the horse’s wither height, back length and overall conformation can make saddle selection process less daunting.

With an understanding of your horse’s shape, you'll also be better equipped to recognise the signs of an ill-fitting saddle, which could range from behavioral changes like resistance to saddling, discomfort while riding, changes in gait, or physical signs like rub marks, abnormal shedding, or sores. Catching these signs early can spare your horse unnecessary pain and also save you from possible riding discomfort and safety risks.


Anatomy of a Dressage Saddle

Understanding the components of a dressage saddle is another essential step towards making a well-informed decision. The main parts of the saddle include the tree, which is the base or 'skeleton', the seat, which accommodates the rider, and the panels that offer cushioning between the horse and the saddle.

Each component has a role to play. For instance, the tree size which is generally divided into narrow, medium or wide, should match the horse's back while the seat size, which averages from 16 to 18 inches should fit the rider’s hip and thigh length. The panels made often from wool, foam or gel provides a buffer to the horse’s back, dissipating the weight of the rider evenly.

The Right Fit: Not Just About the Rider

A perfectly fitted saddle ensures optimal comfort for both the rider and horse, enhancing performance and reducing the risk of injury. A ill-fit saddle can be too tight, restricting the movement of the horse, or too loose, causing instability for the rider.

Finding the right fit involves precise measurements and close attention to detail. The saddle should sit level on the horse’s back, the gullet should provide clearance over the spine, and there should be even pressure throughout the length of the panels. Trialling the saddle both unmounted and mounted is a must-do to determine if the saddle is a potential fit.

Materials Matter: Choosing the Right Dressage Saddle Materials

From traditional leather to modern synthetic fibres, the materials used in dressage saddles vary greatly. Each material type has its own advantages and drawbacks. For instance, leather saddles, though expensive and requiring regular maintenance, offer a superior feel and last for years, while synthetic saddles are lightweight, less expensive and require minimal upkeep.

It is not just about personal preference but sustainability too. Leather's durability could mean fewer saddle replacements over time while the ease of maintenance with synthetics can save on the environmental costs of cleaning products. It’s all about finding the balance between what works best for you, your horse and considering the environmental footprint.

Invest in Quality Consider Brands and Manufacturers

Investing in a saddle from a reputable manufacturer can save you money and trouble in the long run. A cheap saddle might seem like a bargain at first, but it can end up costing more if it causes discomfort or injury to you or your horse down the line.

Brands like Albion, Passier, and Stubben, to name a few stand out in the dressage world for their quality handiwork, innovative design and excellent customer service. These companies not only offer superior products but also customisation options and support to help find the perfect fit for your horse.

Regular Saddle Checkups & Adjustments

Investing in a well-fitting saddle doesn’t mean the work is done. Regular saddle checkups are necessary as horses change shape over time due to factors like work regime, age or diet.

Learning how and when to make necessary saddle adjustments is a part of dressage riding. For instance, reflocking the panels or adjusting the girth straps may need to be done every 6-12 months depending upon the usage and horse changes. Regular check-ins with a saddle fitter are a worthwhile investment to keep your saddle in top condition and your horse comfortable.


In dressage, a small tweak can translate into significant performance changes, and that couldn't be more true with saddle fit. It is a blend of science and art, a combination of understanding your horse’s unique needs, being knowledgeable about the saddle structure, materials and brands, and making regular adjustments as needed.

Remaining committed to making informed choices when it comes to saddle selection can change your dressage ride from straining to seamless, putting you and your horse on the path to success. As the old saying goes, it's the horse and rider's comfort that determines the perfect saddle, but the knowledge shared here will help you make an informed choice.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Exploring the Visual Art of Gardening: An Interview with Notable Gardeners


As green ideas become more central to our mindsets, one thing stands out: gardens are more than simply eye-catching greenspaces. But what makes the art of gardening - the liberation of nurturing life and the beauty of creating visually appealing garden spaces so bewitching? Is it the possibility to connect with the earth, or the sheer pleasure of creating visual harmony?

Do we consider the blend of colours, the choice of plants depending on the climate, or even the creation of a garden that attracts a variety of creatures? There's much to investigate in this sphere of artistic expression. In this light, we'll delve into the world of gardening and explore this art form through the eyes of highly regarded gardeners.

This comprehensive write-up will highlight various facets of gardening - from its conception to sustainability aspect, inspirations, and the pros and cons. In this enthralling journey, we shall have not one, but several expert gardeners share their intimate tryst with the soil and the soul of their gardens.

The Why: The Rationale Behind Gardening as an Art


Gardening transforms the mundane into the magical. But it's more than aesthetic appeal or growing organic food. Jane, a horticulture enthusiast and one of our contributors, explains, "Gardening is a therapeutic process for me. It's a way to connect with nature; to be a part of the bigger ecosystem.

She adds, "The act of preserving biodiversity, creating habitats for birds and insects, and fighting climate change in my small way, gives the artistic process a purpose, a larger intent.

Interestingly, the highly personalised and expressive nature of gardening forms a close proximity to traditional art forms. Like art, gardens reflect their creator's perspectives, highlighting the gardener’s spirit, vision, and influences, which leads us to our next point.

The What: Manifestation of Artistic Expression in Gardening

Beauty in gardens is subjective. Some enjoy wild gardens with native plants, while others prefer manicured spaces with exotic species. Then there are Zen-like minimalistic gardens, which are about creating calm through simplicity. All these variations reflect the gardener's aesthetic sensibility and artistic expression.

Sensing the art in forming a stunning composition, Connor, a delectable botanist shares, "The way plants complement and contrast with each other; playing with form, colour, texture and height is akin to creating a canvas of varied elements. It is an extraordinary narration that unravels through the seasons.

Not every garden has a story, but every gardener does. This dialogue and transference of individual’s expression into a scenic landscape contribute to the art of gardening.

The When: Seasonal Influence on Gardening Artistry

A skilled gardener pays a great deal of attention to plant selection in relation to the changing seasons. This natural rhythm is just as significant as the tonal palette in a painting. Master gardener, Mia, drives home this analogy: "Gardening is like painting with an assortment of blooms that unfold with the cycle of seasons."

A thorough understanding of different plant species, their bloom times, and their growth rates are critical for creating a visually satisfying garden scape. As Mia expresses it, "The garden is a symphony, where every plant has its time to meticulously bloom while others rest, ensuring the concert of colours and textures never ends, just ebbs and flows."

The Inspirations: Learning from Nature, Tradition and Innovation

Every art form has its muse, and gardening is no different. Many gardeners draw inspiration from nature, while others look towards architectural forms, exotic cultures, or historical traditions.

Gardens allow us to become the architects of our natural surroundings, drawing inspirations from our surroundings and personal instances," states Finley, another gardening enthusiast.

He continues, "Looking at nature's color palettes, shapes, textures and how elements interact with each other provides a blueprint for creating pleasing compositions in our backyards. Additionally, acknowledging the work of field pioneers and traditional gardening practices further assists in developing a diversified outlook on gardening."

The Pros and Cons: Assessing the Impact of Artistic Gardening

Like any rewarding endeavor, artistic gardening too, presents its share of pros and cons. Apart from tangible benefits like enhancing property value and providing a personal retreat, it also promotes physical activity, mental well-being, and a connection with nature.

On the downside, gardening requires time, patience, physical labour, and sometimes, a substantial investment. It also involves persistent challenges like pest control, plant disease, adverse weather, and exhaustive maintenance.

However, our gardening experts unanimously agree – "The rewards of creating a living work of art far outweigh the constraints, making the toil wholly worthwhile.



Reviving the Eden within us may seem daunting. However, through this enriching conversation with seasoned gardeners, we have tried to unearth the intrinsic artistry involved in gardening. It isn't merely a pastime, but a profound act of creativity intertwined with the cyclical rhythm of nature and a current of personal narrative.

The beautiful blend of 'green' and 'growth' not only enhances our living spaces but also positively impacts the environment, lending a higher purpose to gardening. Its subjective nature invites every individual to shape and define their own gardening aesthetic, echoing the beauty of diversity and individuality that forms the cornerstone of all art-forms.

In the end, it's evident that gardening, in its essence, is an exquisite art form grounded in reality, set in the panorama of time, and nurtured by the primal bond between man and Mother Earth. Despite its challenges, the joy and fulfillment derived from this living, breathing art form make every tiny seed of effort bloom into a gratifying journey. So, go ahead, embrace this enriching art form and watch your creativity blossom!
